„Gesundheit ServiceCenter“ (Health ServiceCentre)
stay fit!
Doctors, therapists and massage therapists, naturopaths, pharmacists, nutritionists and the service staff of the three baths - they all act according to the guiding idea of doing the best for your health. At our Health ServiceCentre, experts from various fields will assist you and answer all your questions about our health care offerings. You will find many activity programs and classes in this division. Also among your contact persons for qualified personal consultation are the hosts, who are certified by the Health ServiceCentre.
Gesundheit ServiceCenter | Rathausstraße 8 | 94072 Bad Füssing | tel: +49 (0)8531 975-511 to -513 | fax: +49 (0)8531 975-519 | gesundheit@badfuessing.de
Opening times: Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm | Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm