Our health courses

Movement course


  • Monday 02:45 pm - 03:45 pm
  • Tuesday 02:30 pm - 03:30 pm
  • Thursday 02:45 pm - 03:45 pm
Movement course

Nordic walking (basic training)

  • Wednesday 04:00 pm - 05:00 pm
  • Friday 01:00 pm - 02:00 pm
  • Saturday 10:15 am - 11:15 am
Movement course


  • Monday 01:45 pm - 02:45 pm
  • Thursday 01:00 pm - 02:00 pm
  • Friday 03.00 pm - 04.00 pm
  • Saturday 09.00 am - 10.00 am
Movement course

Spinal column exercise

  • Monday 04:15 pm - 05:15 pm
  • Tuesday 01:15 pm - 02:15 pm
  • Wednesday 04:00 pm - 05:00 pm
Relaxation course

Hatha yoga

  • Monday 05:30 pm - 06:15 pm
  • Wednesday 05:30 pm - 06:15 pm
  • Friday 04:30 pm - 05:15 pm
Relaxation course

Body and muscle relaxation using the Jacobsen approach of progressive relaxation

  • Monday 02:45 pm - 03:45 pm
  • Wednesday 02:15 pm - 02:45 pm (Introduction) & 02:45 pm - 03:45 pm
  • Thursday 02:15 pm - 03:15 pm
  • Friday 02:15 pm - 03:15 pm
Relaxation course

Autogenic training

  • Thursday 01:00 pm - 02:30 pm
  • Wednesday 01:00 pm - 02:30 pm
  • Friday 09:30 am - 11:00 am
Relaxation course


  • Tuesday 02:30 pm - 03:00 pm (Introduction) & 03:00 pm - 04:00 pm & 04:00 pm - 05:00 pm
  • Wednesday 01:00 pm - 02:00 pm
  • Thursday 03:30 pm - 04:30 pm
Nutrition course

Practical nutrition consultation

  • Tuesday 01:30 pm - 03:30 pm
Nutrition course

Behavioural-therapeutic nutrition counsultation

  • Friday 02:00 pm - 04:00 pm

To make cost sharing with your health insurance possible, you have to consistently take part in the courses, which means you have to complete at least 80% of the course. Without cost sharing with health insurances, less or more course units can be attended.

*depending on the weather it can take place at the biovital®BewegungsParcours

Cost sharing with your health insurance / cash assistance authority for participants of the health program

Please register in good time since the courses are held in small groups.

1. Health-conscious people (vacationers, local inhabitants), who want to boost their health:
The health insurances may support your self-initiative for health maintenance and, under specific conditions, share costs of the course charges according to § 20 SGB V (once a year for example for an exercise or relaxation course) in the context of primary prevention, by bearing costs of 80-100 % and a maximum of € 75.00 per course. You can inform yourself at your concerned health insurance / cash assistance authority or at the “Gesundheit ServiceCenter” ("Health ServiceCentre"), which belongs to the "Kur- & GästeService" ("Spa Administration & GuestService) of Bad Füssing.

2. Participants, who conduct a spa therapy in Bad Füssing that is approved by the their health insurance:
By presenting a medical prescription, the health insurance will pay the charges for health-promoting procedures - there is no charge for prescriptions or percentaged additional charges. The spa administration balances accounts directly with the health insurance. During your spa therapy, your spa doctor can prescribe up to three different courses to you. These courses have to differ in their field of action, however (exercise, relaxation, nutrition consultation).

Please bring these documents for a problem-free registration:

  • The certificate of your health insurance affiliation (your green card)
  • The prescription of your spa doctor
  • Your cure allowance or health cure cheque 

3. Interested persons, who make a stationary spa therapy in Bad Füssing:
Ask your responsible health insurance / cash assistance authority about the possibilities of cost share.

(Subject to change)

Gesundheit ServiceCenter | Rathausstraße 8 - 94072 Bad Füssing | tel: +49 (0)8531 975-511 to -513 | fax: +49 (0)8531 975-519 | gesundheit@badfuessing.de

Opening times (March - October): Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Opening times (November - February): Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5.00 pm